Robert Pattinson and Hayley Williams Looked Like They Were on an 'Awkward First Date' in This Old My

June 2024 · 4 minute read

Even if you’re not a fan of Twilight, you’ve probably heard of the soundtracks. The impressive music catalog associated with the films is truly a powerhouse; they fit the vibe of the movies to a T, and the soundtracks feature some really great artists. 

On the first soundtrack, Paramore gave fans two iconic songs, including the first single for the movie: “Decode.” It’s gone on to be the sort of theme song for Twilight, along with being one of the most memorable songs for fans in 2008. And fans still like to watch the interview between Hayley Williams and Robert Pattinson to this day. 

Robert Pattinson and Hayley Williams did a joint interview to promote ‘Twilight’

The year was 2008, and fans of the book were patiently awaiting the first film. While doing press before its release in November of 2008, Pattinson and Williams sat down for an interview for Myspace. Yes, remember Myspace? 

This is before both of them really blew up, but they were about to. Paramore, of course, already had Riot! which gave fans “That’s What You Get” and “Misery Business,” among many other bangers. But they were just going up from there. 

When talking about how she and the band got involved with Twilight, Williams told Pattinson that she read the books and “really loved them.” She enjoys book adaptations as well, and knew she had to jump on this project. 

“We wrote the song and Josh had this really cool music and I thought it fit the vibe and the tone of the story,” Williams said. “Just kind of chased after it. We were knocking on doors when we could. We got lucky. I didn’t think it would work.”

It’s awkwardly cute and makes you feel like a ‘third wheel’ according to other viewers 

Maybe it’s the novelty of the interview being for Myspace or the really 2000s vibe of it all, but it is such a trippy thing to watch in 2020. Not to mention they both look very different from their current selves and they’re delightfully awkward. Not in a silent, uncomfortable way. But in a “just meeting for the first time” way, which they were, so it makes sense. 

There’s one part, in particular, that’s pretty funny; Pattinson comments on Williams’ accent.

“I was wondering where your accent was from because I like the way you say ‘here,’” he said, referring to the iconic moment in “Decode” when Williams sings that word. 

She joked that that’s all she’s going to think about now when she sings it, but purposely won’t change it because Pattinson likes it so much.

And then he joked back that he was inspired for the first time in months, and wrote a song called, “Here.” If that was actually the truth and not a joke, Pattinson needs to drop it some time, right? For posterity’s sake, of course. 

Safe to say, the comments revolved around their demeanor, with one user commenting, “Is it too late to ship them?” It is, but alas! Another person wrote, “I feel like I’m third wheeling.” That vibe seemed to carry through for a lot of viewers, because another wrote, “This interview is like an awkward first date.” To be honest, it did feel like that just a bit. But that genuine nature of their conversation is really the selling point of the video. 

Both Paramore and Pattinson had songs on the soundtrack

Both Williams and Pattinson had important spots on the Twilight soundtrack. Paramore’s “Decode,” as stated before, was sort of the theme song for the movie, and “I Caught Myself” played in the background of Bella’s trip to the dress shop in Port Angeles. 

Pattinson’s song “Never Think” also played in the background in Port Angeles, but in the Italian restaurant he took Bella to after saving her. And his other song, “Let Me Sign,” played when Bella’s out of it after James attacked her. 

For the 10-year anniversary of Twilight, Billboard did an oral history of the first album, and Livia Tortella, the former executive VP and GM at Atlantic Records said that Paramore was chosen for their closeness to the demographic the movie was going for. 

“Paramore was almost like a voice to the reader of this book as well, because we saw an immediate reaction,” Tortella said. “They were on the brink. They weren’t broken by any strategy. That song, that movie — all of that just catapulted them.”

Pattinson’s songs were chosen by director Catherine Hardwicke and added without his permission at first. He did finally agree after seeing the songs over the scenes. Regardless of if his songs were in the movie, his newfound fame stopped his hobby of performing at pubs. 

“I used to love playing live at open mic nights. It’d be cathartic. I mean it was really key for me,” Pattinson told the LA Times in 2008. “I think, ‘Wow, I just lost a huge chunk of my life,’” he said after Twilight frenzy hit. 

Who knew an old Myspace video would be so comforting in 2020?
